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Wayless: Presenting for PDXRust

I had the opportunity to talk about Wayless, an operating system kernel I've been working on, at the Portland Mozilla offices last Wednesday. The slides from the talk are up at https://finzdani.net/rust_osdev.pdf

Thanks everyone who made it out! I'm excited I got the chance to speak about what I've been working on. Here's the links from the last slide of my presentation:

Phil Opperman's BlogOS: https://os.phil-opp.com

OSDev Wiki: https://wiki.osdev.org

AMD's x86_64 Programmer's Manual, Volume 2: https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/24593.pdf

Muchless: https://gitlab.com/waylon531/muchless

Wayless: https://gitlab.com/wayless/wayless